Recap: BentoML at the LlamaIndex RAG Hackathon

February 8, 2024 • Written By Sherlock Xu

As one of the sponsors of the LlamaIndex RAG Hackathon, we were excited to see that BentoML and BentoCloud helped developers build innovative RAG applications in this 3-day tech event, which attracted a total of 46 teams! Here's a quick event recap.

Featured projects

For each team in this hackathon, we provided $100 BentoCloud credits for them to use. Among all the innovative projects at the RAG Hackathon, 15 of them used BentoML or BentoCloud. Here are some featured projects that showcased their versatility and flexibility of these two tools in enhancing their RAG applications:

  • Precious Pixels: An image RAG system that combines the capabilities of text prompts, image retrieval and generative models for real world applications. Learn more:
  • RAG-2-Riches: Provides insights and relevant information about trends on social media for increasing sales and improving marketing for new products. Learn more:
  • Directify: Turns user-directed storylines into screenplays. Users only need to direct their story with characters, settings, and directions. Learn more:
  • StreamLens: An AI application for live/static videos that provides real-time scene understanding, summaries, auto-generated reels, and the ability to chat with your video, unveiling key moments instantly. Learn more:

BentoML prize winners

After three days of hard work, all teams delivered creative RAG projects using various AI tools and frameworks. Let’s congratulate the following 2 teams that won the BentoML prizes!

First place: StreamLens


Second Place: Precious Pixels


Voices from the hackathon

Let’s see what participants and organizers had to say about their experiences in this hackathon 👀



This hackathon was a testament to the potential of RAG technology and we were happy that BentoML and BentoCloud played a role in bringing these applications to life. We're proud to support such a vibrant community of developers and look forward to seeing how they continue to innovate with our tools.